Geoffrey Manasseh
African Peace Ambassador
URI Interfaith Champion
Director of African Peacemaking Database
Geoffrey Manasseh is a peace builder, interfaith youth educator and environmental activist. Geoffrey completed his academic education at Mkope secondary school and further graduate advance diploma in construction engineering from Combon Technical College in 2007. Geoffrey went through intensive peace building and conflict transformation trainings under United Religions Initiative before joining 2020 KAICIID fellowship African cohort.
After saving different positions in URI including position of “interfaith youth development officer”, Geoffrey is now Malawi Country Coordinator of United Religions Initiative (URI), Technical advisor of Wildlife and Natural Resources Conservation and Rehabilitation Trust (WNRCRT), Co-founder of Nkhudzi Bay Utale Club (NBUC), and Director of African Communities of African Peacemaking Database (APD).
Geoffrey is responsible for mentoring and guiding youth to achieve their goals, operate and coordinating cultural preservation, leadership, interfaith dialogue, and peacekeeping, and he holds capacity building training for youth as students on personal development and youth empowerment.
He is currently working for the African Peacemaking Database – the world’s first grassroots peace index that catalogues and shares indigenous wisdom with the wider world – an international NGO with hubs in Malawi and Ethiopia.
He can be contacted at gmanasseh@uri.org. Geoffrey is based in Lilongwe, Malawi.